Names that fit

At the sign of the limp hand
glove shop, Plaza de la Reina, Valencia
. . . like a glove

Steve Watcham - Antonio Morales - Bernt Persson - Cardinal Sin - Simon Drew - Paul Nurse - Nicola Carslaw - Tony Dedman - Michael Leader - ****** Fidler - Simon Wild - Sue Head - Andrew Goodsell - Michael White and Ian Black - Graham Heale - Domaine Herbouze - David Walker - Swindells - the Paynes - C Jeffrey Black - Jimmy Choo - Schiesser-Shop - Günter Wand - Wright Hassall - Doolittle & Dalley, Crook & Blight - Frances Crook - Canadian Medical Association Journal

More fitting names - Where the country starts . . . and the Townsend

Other sources: aptronyms, aptonyms and Nominative Determinism

Watch on the world

Maggie Brown
Guardian Monday October 1, 2001

"When the global media talk, BBC Caversham listens. Then its experts transcribe and translate broadcasts from front line countries such as Afghanistan and Pakistan.

... On an adjacent desk, Steve Watcham was copy tasting for the daily news file ..."

Mayor's bedtimes put youth to sleep

Giles Tremlett in Madrid
Guardian Wednesday October 3, 2001

"The party is over for Spanish children in the Canary Island town of Aguimes: the mayor has announced a curfew that will send them to bed well before midnight on schooldays. Antonio Morales said the town's 7,000 under-16s were staying up so late that it was affecting their schoolwork, making them apathetic and turning them into drug-taking troublemakers ..."

Bernt Persson

"Unlike the great Heathens idols that followed him in the late seventies and early eighties, Bernie had the unenviable job of leading Cradley through some of the tougher times. However, his superb statistical record and accomplished riding style has made sure that this 'Black Country Swede' will always remain in the hearts of the old Dudley Wood faithful ..."
Cradley Heath Speedway Club

BP seems to have raced in Britain for some 10 years without a single serious accident, despite his name.

His finest hour
1972 World Final (Wembley): Ivan Mauger 13, Bernt Persson 13, Ole Olsen 12, Christer Lofqvist 11, John Louis 11, . . .

Another Scandinavian 70s speedway star was Norwegian Reidar Eide.

Cardinal Sin admits feeling 'hopeless' over crises

By Norman Bordadora
Inquirer News Service
January 6, 2001

"ARCHBISHOP of Manila Jaime Cardinal Sin yesterday confessed to feelings of hopelessness over the national situation ... "


Simon Drew - Gallery and Designs

... works in pen and ink with an emphasis on wildlife and everyday subjects.


"Trust me, I'm a ducktor"

The 2001 Nobel Prize in Medicine
8 October 2001

The Nobel Assembly at Karolinska Institutet has decided to award The Nobel Prize in Medicine for 2001 jointly to Leland H. Hartwell, Timothy Hunt and Paul Nurse (director general, Imperial Cancer Research Fund) for their discoveries of "key regulators of the cell cycle".

Nobel Prize Internet Archive
The Nobel Foundation
The Ig Nobel Home Page

The BBC's Nicola Carslaw "A tough new line on the problem of abandoned cars has been unveiled by the government."

Tony Dedman

... a former bomb disposal expert with the army and Scotland Yard's anti-terrorist squad ...
The Guardian, 5 Nov 2001

Michael Leader

... a supporting actor on EastEnders who has played the Albert Square milkman since the first episode in 1985. On Tuesday, his first ever spoken line was broadcast: "Is this yours, squire?".

"I'm a great aficionado of the old music hall as my father Harry was a big band leader in the 1950s ... "
Amy Fleming The Guardian Friday November 16, 2001

****** Fidler

... admitted a charge of theft, bailed on condition he reports 3 times a week to police ...
The ***** (local newspaper), Fri 16 Nov 2001

Simon Wild

... and Sussex Wildlife Protection Group - saved Copper the fox from certain death by the local hunt. After retrieving Copper from the hounds, they plugged the rabbit hole he'd bolted down with a helmet loaned by a compassionate police officer (who is sadly unable to accept his Animal Pride award). When the coast was clear, Copper was rushed to a vet and treated for shock and internal bleeding. He is now fully recovered and has been released into an area where hunting is banned ...

See Simon's photos in the gallery devoted to Henry S Salt, humanitarian reformer and author of A Plea for Vegetarianism.

Earlsmead Primary School

... housed in Victorian buildings dating from 1897, Earlsmead is a multi-cultural, multi-lingual inner city primary school in South Tottenham.'The leadership of the headteacher and governing body is very good; they manage the school efficiently.'

Headteacher: Sue Head

Consumer Finance Awards
Dedication to over-50s pays off

Best insurance provider:
Saga Services
... is now the leading provider of insurance in the over-50s market with around a million motor and household policyholders. It is recognised for being particularly good value in the motor insurance market where its prices are 30% below the market average.

Managing director: Andrew Goodsell

Saturday June 30, 2001 The Guardian

Straw changes tack on single currency
Foreign secretary now backs early referendum

by Michael White and Ian Black in Brussels
The Guardian - Saturday December
15, 2001

Oh we know it's right
It's in Black and White
And it's all written down in his diary!
Pepys's Diary, Benny Hill

Chiropractic - what it is and is not

HealthWatch, The Campaign Against Health Fraud
Newsletter 5

Chiropractic began in 1895 when one Daniel David Palmer, a 'healer', of Ohio decided that a supposed spinal misalignment could be rectified by a direct forceful movement. After doing this, he reported, there were considerable changes to his patients' symptoms ...

Graham Heale
Secretary, British Chiropractic Association

This is already ready to gulp and is exclusive to Tesco who are buying the domaine's entire 2000 and 2001 crop. Useful, easy wine for those who want to drink organic. And the name could hardly be better, could it? ...
Jancis Robinson, Master of Wine
- Wine news, 21 Sep 2001

Joly, the green giant
Harnessing the planets to make wine may sound like mumbo jumbo. But it works for Nicolas Joly, France's most passionate exponent of biodynamism ...

Tim Atkin
November 25, 2001, The Observer

The middle classes go by train, while poor wait for the bus

Travel by rail tends to be middle-class, male and middle-aged. Poorer people and the young predominantly use buses and bikes, or walk. Older people travel less and when they do, they walk, take the bus or drive ...

David Walker
Guardian Monday January 14, 2002

Chartered Accountants
Swindells & Gentry



Search the find-a-dentist database

Ian D Payne, Birmingham
Dr Julia Payne, Manchester
Kenton Clifford Payne, Lymington
Robert Mitchell Payne, Stourbridge
Trevor Malcolm Payne, London

See Jeffrey Black?

On, but no longer in Paisley, apparently.

The Cobbler of Connaught Street

Mr Jimmy Choo is probably London's most famous shoe designer.

Born in Malaysia Mr Choo came to London to study footwear. He was awarded the 'Accessory Designer of the Year for 1999' at the most important fashion spectacle in the UK - the British Fashion Awards. Put your feet into the experienced hands of Mr Choo ...

NEWSPAD The web site for Paddington 1999

sold Nov 2001

Herren Underwear
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Aus der Serie 'Schiesser Bluebird' - Jazz-Pants aus 95% supergekämmter Baumwolle und 5% Elastan mit Nadelbund in weiss, admiral und schwarz.
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Underwear von Schiesser

Buy online ... but be careful how you pronounce it!

Die 1875 als Firma Jacques Schiesser in Radolfzell gegründete SCHIESSER AG, ist heute Marktführer unter den deutschen Wäschespezialisten und auf dem Weg vom deutschen Produktions- zum internationalen Markenunternehmen im textilen "close to skin" Produkt-Bereich.

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Günter Wand

conductor, born January 7 1912; died February 14 2002

Volatile conductor who specialised in Bruckner

His rehearsals were meticulous and much appreciated by the orchestra, who respected him as part of a vanishing tradition.

John Drummond
Saturday February 16, 2002 The Guardian

..part of a vanishing tradition..



Wright Hassall & Co, Leamington Spa

Estate Agents


Doolittle & Dalley, Bridgnorth

Crook and Blight, Newport

The 'House Sold' Name

With the prison population about to top 70,000 today for the first time ever, the Howard League for Penal Reform is publishing a '5 Point Action Plan' to stave off the crisis. Frances Crook, Director of the Howard League called on the Home Secretary to take action ...
Press release, 1 March 2002

Onomastic gems from the Canadian Medical Association Journal:

from Erica Weir (Associate editor): Julia Twigg, Dale Speedy, D.P.Speach, Julie Weir, Dr.Achenbach

from Susan Boron (Family physician): Drs Ades, Aikinhead, Babey, Colon, Deadman, Healy, Foley, Foote, Iball, Morales, Nurse, Pain, Pipe, Quirk, Shin, Splatt and Weedon, Studd

More fitting names - Where the country starts . . . and the Townsend


Thanks to: Richard Boston, Chris Duke, Brian & Nadia, Jackie Runeckles, Andrew Pascoe, Mike Pushkin, Beatrice
also Guardian readers, Wordsmith contributors

Further contributions gratefully received ...

Photos © Michael Shade, unless obviously not - the usual conditions apply

18 July, 2003
comments and suggestions to: